As a teacher I want to form in my students a thorough understanding and confidence at exams and being able to handle unknown situations. My theory is actually based on the opinion that learning occurs in an atmosphere of reciprocal trust where the student is motivated to think and find new connections on their own. My sensation has been that personal lesson has a distinct advantage to scholars because of the ability to break down the scholars' own boundaries to learning in a manner which lays the foundations for a lengthy and deep comprehension of the subject matter.
Student’s needs and learning style meaning
My approach depends on the child's learning style and needs. My teaching theory is based on stimulating students to think for themselves, operating existing models whenever they can. |In my opinion it is really important to supply students with a working skills and to teach them problem-solving skill sets for establishing upon this knowledge. Directing a person to think analytically is at the fundamental of what a person must withdraw from any subject training.
We learn through examples
The most long-lasting increases a teacher are able to bring in is mentoring students, and it is a process, that I find interesting and beneficial. From my experience, I discovered the effect of involving children by means of patterns and of delivering content at a degree which implies brainpower and yet not always knowledge, mixing the unknown with the known in a synthesis that brings the student the disposition of likelihood instead of that of impossibility that impressive and formal methods may enforce.
Using a lot of practising
I begin with themes the students are familiar with and step eventually to more complex sectors as long as their self-confidence is being raised. I don't lecture to students or ask them to memorise things.
I constantly concentrate on exam-style as well as past queries to inspect, exercise and develop the student's realising and practice. I additionally give a lot of emphasis to many of the less obvious but crucial abilities as logical thought, essay technique and structure, and the useful use of graphs and numbers.